The Bulletin Board!
Picture #2392 [JB4sax October 29th, 3:21pm]

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     "I was really trying to get an audition for the sax spot on the Wrecking Ball tour. The closest I got was a series of emails with a person on Bruce’s management team. Of course, I did NOT end up getting the gig – didn’t even get heard by Bruce, I’m sure. In April, I saw a post on that pulled at my heart. The poster, Susan, was posting an open letter to Bruce from her friend Harry. Harry and his wife Mary had lost both of their adult children to gun violence within 2 years of each other. Their son, Michael, had been their strength after her daughter’s death. When he was killed earlier this year, Harry and Mary found themselves alone to deal with their grief. Mary was overcome, and spent most days in tears. Harry’s letter asked if Bruce could call Mary, hoping that hearing some comforting words from one of her heroes would bring her out of her depression. Susan posted it on Backstreets hoping that someone might have a connection to get it to Bruce. I forwarded the post, and Susan’s email to me, to my contact on Bruce’s management team. Several others on Backstreets contacted people they thought could help, so we can’t be sure which contact actually worked. At any rate, in late May Harry and Mary got a call from Bruce while he was in Germany. It made their day! It was the first time Mary had smiled since their son was killed! Bruce said that he would be in touch when he was back in the States. I just had an email last night from Susan telling me that Harry and Mary were at the concert in Pittsburgh Saturday night, and had backstage passes to meet Bruce! Susan posted a picture of Harry and Mary on Facebook, and Mary is beaming! So nice to see Bruce bringing some joy into their lives! They have had so much sorrow; it really did my heart good to see such smiles on their faces. Thanks, Boss!! "
JB4sax - October 29th, 3:21pm